Kickstart root on raid problems

Jeremy Sanders jss at
Fri Apr 15 16:52:59 UTC 2005

Hi -

I'm trying to use kickstart to install root on raid using preexisting 
partitions. THis used to work with the kickstart in RH 7.3, but seems to fail 
with anaconda-

The partitioning information is as follows in the kickstart file:

part raid.01 --onpart hda1
part raid.02 --onpart hda2
part raid.03 --onpart hda3 --noformat
part raid.04 --onpart hdb1
part raid.05 --onpart hdb2
part raid.06 --onpart hdb3 --noformat
raid / --level=1 --device=md0 --fstype ext3 raid.01 raid.04
raid swap --level=1 --device=md1 --fstype swap raid.02 raid.05
raid /soft3 --level=1 --device=md2 --fstype ext3 --noformat raid.03 raid.06

I've tried removing everything except the root partitioning but it still fails 

     partsize = req.getActualSize(partitions, diskset)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getActualSize'

You can see the full anaconda dump at

I've tried adding --size 1 to each of the part options with no effect. I've 
also tried using --noformat on each of the part options.

Each of the partition types is set to RAID autodetect, and they contain 
preexisting raid devices (with the same partitions as the install is using).

Any ideas??



Jeremy Sanders <jss at>
X-Ray Group, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK.
Public Key Server PGP Key ID: E1AAE053

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