Getting install log on a remote machine

Jim Wildman jim at
Tue Aug 9 20:58:51 UTC 2005

> Not yet.  I just started working on all the logging support in anaconda
> today.  The goal is to convert it to using Python's logging class, which
> will allow us to log to files, syslog running on a remote machine, mail,
> web servers, sockets, etc.  I don't know if all those mechanisms will
> make the cut for what we'll support, but at least one network mechanism
> will be supported.
> I guess now's as good a time as any to ask if people have any particular
> features, annoyances, or comments on logging.
> - Chris

When enabled, it should throw everything possible down the pipe.  Let
syslog on the other end sort it out.  I would love to 'tail -f
/var/log/kickstart' on my syslog server and watch the install progress.
This would be really great for headless pxe installs.

Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE       jim at
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state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
Thomas Paine

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