Multiple LUNs (scsi_mod) and RHEL4

Jason White jason at
Fri Aug 12 02:14:37 UTC 2005

* Jesse Keating (jkeating at [050811 18:01]:
> On Thu, 2005-08-11 at 17:55 -0400, Jason White wrote:
> > This works fine *after* the box is installed, but is there a way to
> > make this work during the kickstart install?  I tried using some %pre
> > scripts, but it didn't work:

> Add the line to your boot line when booting the installer, or in the
> kernel line when starting kickstart.

I tried both, but neither seem to work:

Boot line:
"boot: ks max_luns=256"

Kernel line:
label ks
  kernel vmlinuz
  append ks=http://myserver/ks.cfg ksdevice=eth0 initrd=initrd.img max_luns=256

I also tried putting the following line at the very beginning of my
ks.cfg (before the %pre section):

 device scsi scsi_mod --opts="max_luns=256"


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