anaconda network install

Paul Ionescu i_p_a_u_l at
Sat Jan 8 00:35:59 UTC 2005


I install FC or RH from network, with DHCP settings.

Is there an option to send the default ftp/http/nfs server and the
directory via DHCP instead of entering manually ?
Maybe is not something standard, but we can use some vendor DHCP options
for this.

Or even better, can we give to anaconda a kickstart file through DHCP ?
I don't want to put all the time
"ks=http://someaddress/somedirectory/some_kickstartfile" when I need to
install a PC.

I think, that by default, if we specify "ks" to anaconda, to try and get
it first from a dhcp server on first eth, then on second eth, a.s.o, then
go to normal behavior. And we try the following files:
"info_from_dhcp" + "mac address of that card"
"info from dhcp" + "ip address of that card"
"info from dhcp"

This would ease networked installs and automation of them.
Is this doable ?


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