generic ks.cfg to auto-partition raid0 on X number of disks.

Rishi usergroups at
Fri Jan 14 04:55:07 UTC 2005

On Friday 14 Jan 2005 5:11 am, James Harrison wrote:
> > I've tried but I have not understood the what raid.X means....


I meant I know what RAID means but what does raid.X where X is a number that 
is used to identify the partition number...

This is what I'm using in my ks.cfg

clearpart --all
part / --fstype ext3 --size=1000
part swap --size=512
part raid.1 --size=1000 --grow
part raid.2 --size=1000 --grow
part raid.3 --size=1000 --grow
raid /backup --fstype ext3 --level=RAID0 raid.1 raid.2 raid.3

The above works fine with one or two disks... But when I add a 3rd disk, it 
does not auto-magically use that space to include in the /backup partition...



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