Odd partition labeling

Klaus Steden klaus.steden at thomson.net
Fri Jul 15 17:37:32 UTC 2005

> Working on a FC4 kickstart, and seeing some odd partition labels which
> have a '1' appended.  For example, on my first kickstart I see:
> / = /1
> var = /var1
> usr = /usr1
> etc...
> I then re-kick, and end up with proper labels for all but boot,
> which ends up as /boot1.  I then re-kick again, and boot is /boot, 
> but now all the other partition labels end with a 1.
> Any ideas why this is happening?

Me too. I thought it was due to a bug in something I was doing, but if others
are seeing it ... I've also seen "/12", although not as common as "/" or "/1".


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