Redirecting Anaconda output

Seremeth, Stephen SSeremeth at
Fri Jun 24 12:16:56 UTC 2005

> What's everyone else out there think of the idea?

I think it's something that's long overdue and would be well appreciated
by _everybody_ using ks.  Recently I had some kickstart attempts that
bombed at the _end_ of kickstarting -- and when that happens, kickstart
actually _does_ save some good logs for you.  I think they were in
/var/log but I'm not remembering completely now, but it included
some/all of the stuff from the other virtual consoles, etc..  So, the
idea has been thought of before, I guess, even if the logs are even more
valuable when ks bombs half way through rather than after you have a
mostly working install.  If I can dig up more info, I'll post it.

Also, re: anaconda docs and genhdlist -- the best info I had found was
on the previously referenced site which I couldn't reach yesterday:

And as the previous post said it looks to be migrating (not nearly
completely yet) to:

There's also a slightly outdated linux journal article which goes into
some detail -- be sure to read the comments at the end of the article
for additional hints.


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