updating a distro tree

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Wed Jun 1 23:42:02 UTC 2005

>>>>> "KS" == Klaus Steden <klaus.steden at thomson.net> writes:

KS> I'm not much for python (yet) 

Frankly, neither am I, but I guess that's neither here nor there.

KS> could this script be used to incorporate third-party apps into a
KS> distribution?

Assuming those apps are in the form of RPMS, you just need to put the
packages into the RPMS directory and then run genhdlist and maybe
pkgorder.  do_update normally does that if it updated any packages but
you can force it with -G (or just look near the end of the script to
see how to do it yourself).

But generally I prefer not to mess with adding extra applications to
the install tree and instead put them in a yum repo to be installed in
%post or on the first boot.

 - J<

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