for i386 on x86_64

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Thu Jun 16 13:18:18 UTC 2005

>>>>> "KS" == Klaus Steden <klaus.steden at> writes:

KS> My thinking is that if I can find the right 32 bit app that's got
KS> a dependency on this library, I can install it and anaconda will
KS> install the 32 bit libstdc++ RPM as well.

You can just create an empty package that has the dependency you want,
and install that.  Or you can just manually install the package in
%post, or set things up so that the machine installs it when it boots
for the first time.

I generally opt for the latter.  I suppose it would be nice to be able
to specify the arch of packages in %packages or in comps.xml, but in
the absence of that functionality you have to do a few things
manually.  (I happen to need ncurses.i386.)

 - J<

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