Edited comps.xml - now what?

Dan Trainor info at hostinthebox.net
Thu Jun 23 03:38:08 UTC 2005

Klaus Steden wrote:
>>>Someone posted a link to a python script that fairly neatly encapsulates
>>>all the necessary steps (dependency checks, package ordering, and
>>>genhdlist) ... I don't have the link handy - but I've been using it for
>>>the last three weeks (with a few tweaks) and it's working for both 32 and
>>>64-bit versions of RHEL4 for me.
>>>If you want a copy I can send you one.
>>Thanks for responding, Klaus -
>>Mind just telling me the name of the script?  Perhaps I can google for
>>it and get some more information on it, such as some documentation.
>>I'd honestly like to fully understand the entire process, rather than
>>just use a script that does it all for me - however, the idea of an
>>all-in-one tool does sound very appealing.
> It was called 'do_update'.
> http://www.math.uh.edu/~tibbs/do_update (thanks to my Firefox history!).
> Seems pretty straightforward - I haven't learned python yet, but it wasn't too
> daunting.
> Klaus

Klaus -

Looks to be pretty neat.  Seems a bit out of date, but I think the
concept remains the same.

However, I'm still looking for some documentation that clearly explains
how the procedure is done - what to do after a comps.xml file is edited,
how to create the hdlist files, etc etc.  I guess I'll keep searching
here.  ANy feeback by others would also be greatly appreciated.

Again, thanks for the time!

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