Display progress during long kickstart %post script

Daniel Segall dan at half-asleep.com
Fri Mar 4 23:06:32 UTC 2005

Thanks for the reply Phil. The dialog commands are all in the
linux-postinstall.sh script that is being executed (see sniplet below).
This has been working as expected with FC1 & RHES3. The main reason this
is done in an external script, rather than within the kickstart file
itself, is because we use the same post-instal script on machines that
were not kicked, and I don't want to have to maintain different code for
each kickstart as well.

--------------- snip --------------------
dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "NIS" --yesno "Is this system going into
NIS?" 8 60
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
        IPADDR=`dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "IP Address?" --stdout
--inputbox "Enter your IP address" 8 60`
        HNAME=`dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "Hostname?" --stdout
--inputbox "Enter yourhostname (without domain)" 8 60`
        dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "See Ya!" --msgbox "Your on your
own, Big Admin" 860



> On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Daniel Segall wrote:
>>--------------- snip --------------------
>># Execute our post install
>>echo "  "                                       >>/root/ks.log
>>if [ -f /root/linux-postinstall.sh ]; then
>>        echo " * Executing Post-Install..."     >>/root/ks.log
>>        echo " * Executing Post-Install..."
>>        chmod +x /root/linux-postinstall.sh
>>        exec /root/linux-postinstall.sh         >>/root/ks.log
>          ^^^^ What's this?
>>        echo "Can't find linux-postinstall.sh." >>/root/ks.log
>>        echo "Can't find linux-postinstall.sh."
>># We done.
>>echo " * Post-Install complete. System rebooting." >>/root/ks.log
>>echo " * Post-Install complete. System rebooting."
>>chvt 1
>>sleep 10
>>exit 0
> When you hit that exec, you're not in Kansas any more, and specifically
> the final "Post-Install complete" section will never execute. The
> original question was about dialog, but there's no mention in the
> script??
> Cheers,
> Phil
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