e1000 still

Ed Brown ebrown at lanl.gov
Wed Mar 23 15:44:15 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 02:43, Jeroen Roodhart wrote:
> If it works in one go, you don't have any adverse effects (it's just as
> fast) and if it doesn't, it works with a short delay. What's the
> deal?
> In the mean time, when we experience this behaviour again (seems to
> have dissapeared when going to FC3) I'll patch the code myself.

One deal is that in some cases it doesn't work at all.  When using ftp,
frequently no amount of retrying at the 'Failed to log in to ftp server'
screen succeeds (though I have seen occasional, eventual success at this
point).  Another deal, as in the case of the person who started this
thread, is that remote installs are not possible.

If you're happy patching broken code yourself, that's great, but please
don't discount those who find this a much less than desirable solution.


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