NFS install and interactive asking of static ip

Dan Carpenter error27 at
Wed May 18 19:54:31 UTC 2005

On 5/18/05, L B <bertignac at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run RHAS3 update 4.
> I would like to :
>  . Do an NFS install *not* in interactive mode.
>  . Get my first IP with DHCP (text mode) to get the ks.cfg and the rpms.

linux ip=dhcp ks=nfs:

If you have more than one ethernet device it asks you which to use. 
There is no way to make it test all the devices like you can with
SuSE.  You can specify the ethernet device but I forget the format for
that because I never know which ethernet devices are going to be
connected ahead of time.

>  . Have a graphical screen asking me only for my static IP, hostname,
> DNS servers etc.. and nothing else.

It used to ask you if it wasn't in the ks.cfg file...  wierd.  I would
just automate this and put it in the post install.  Perhaps something
like a script that would parse /proc/cmdline and set the IP based on

Or I would put a pause in the kickstart and create a small script that
could be run from tty2.  That is a hack.

>  . Install redhat etc...

Create the kickstart (using magic).

dan carpenter

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