Help!!! Windows partitions getting clobbered!!!....

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Fri May 20 22:39:28 UTC 2005

>>>>> "s" == seberino  <seberino at> writes:

s> It appears 'clearpart' is the Kickstart switch to prevent Windows
s> partitions from getting blasted when "kickstarting" Fedora Core 3.

clearpart tells kickstart how to clear the partition table.

s> I may not be using clearpart correctly (if that is even the right
s> way?) because I'm blowing away Windows partitions!!

Well, the docs seem pretty clear:

clearpart (optional)

    Removes partitions from the system, prior to creation of new
    partitions. By default, no partitions are removed. 


    Erases all partitions from the system.



    Erases all Linux partitions.

--none (default)

    Do not remove any partitions.


So "clearpart --linux" should do the trick to erase existing Linux
partitions but keep others.

 - J<

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