Paring a pair of pears; was: Pear-down RPMS dir

R P Herrold herrold at
Wed Dec 27 19:50:50 UTC 2006

On Wed, 27 Dec 2006, Matt Sturtz wrote:

> Anybody know of a tool I can use to remove the packages that aren't
> required while leaving those that are, and those that satisfy dependancies
> for those that are?  The idea of querying dependancies for every single
> package doesn't thrill me...  Kickstarting a box, and then removing all
> the packages that didn't end up on that box sounds even worse...

Almost all can be done hands off.

1. do an install;
2. pare to taste on an automated basis;
3. verify completeness:
4. run and capture to file:
 	rpm -qa --qf '%{name}\n' | sort
5. walk that list amd make sure all listed packages are 

... note -- as %pre and %post elements are not dependency 
checked, and are able to hold Turing complete aspects, TEST

- Russ Herrold

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