New to list and question

Patrick ks at
Thu Mar 2 15:28:07 UTC 2006

Hi all,

Last time I was on this list was iirc in 2002 so I'm sort of new to the
list. Recently I setup a PXE/kickstart install system for a bunch of
servers. Works very well (pxe/kickstart rocks!) but it is incomplete so
I would like to iron out more details. Once the install is finished I
would like to:

* add extra firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables or replace it
* change or replace some configs like /etc/ntp.conf, /etc/hosts
* turn off a ton of unneeded services (chkconfig --level 2345 foo off)
* turn off IPv6 in (iirc) /etc/modules.conf
* turn off zerconf in /etc/sysconfig/network
* install a bunch of updates
* install some extra rpms

I assume I should specify this in the %post section of the kickstart
file but I don't know what the required syntax is. Any suggestions or
docs how I go about this?

Thanks and regards,

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