Execution of commands in %post

Dan Trainor dan at id-confirm.com
Wed Mar 22 07:04:51 UTC 2006

Hello, all -

In %post, I have a long command which is run.  I'm trying to use env 
vars which are set previously in %post to use as arguments to this 
command.  However, the variables are not expanded, i.e. I see literal 
values of ${MYVARIABLE} in my debugging, instead of the variable value.

I've tried to even go as far as using an `echo ${MYVARIABLE}` in place 
of just ${MYVARIABLE} to see if that yields any other results, to no avail.

I see something interesting before the command is run.  Something 
similar to this:

CHDIR path /var/lib/mysql/config
CHDIR path /var/lib/mysql/config/myfile

Am I being told that Anaconda is literally changing directories to the 
one specified?  The command *is* a bit odd, in the fact that I specify 
alsbolute paths to each file involved.  It'd be the equiv of:

/bin/grep string /path/to/my/file

I don't see how this would be any different, unless Anaconda treats the 
third argument as an actual command.  I think, actually, this might be 
what is happening.

Can anyone identify this?


- Dan Trainor
- id-Confirm, Inc.
- Direct:  720.241.5580

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