Redhat RHN (re)-joining in Kickstart

Philip Rowlands phr at
Wed Mar 29 14:47:55 UTC 2006

On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Phil Bettinson wrote:

> I'm currently arguing with a small part of a kickstart script that joins, and 
> updates the computers to the kickstart network. It works, appart from the fact 
> that it registers them as "localhost.localhost", as opposed to their machine 
> names.
> The machines have the correct names when they reboot (that is, the pick up the 
> correct hostnames, and have the right ip addresses etc.), but it means that I 
> have to re-register them with RHN in order to give them a sane name.

I had this as a %post script:

#!/bin/sh -
. /etc/sysconfig/network
hostname -v -- "$HOSTNAME"

which might do the trick.


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