Crashing on missing network adapters

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at
Wed May 17 06:10:44 UTC 2006

Ok, I'm having a hard time with something (happens to me a lot).

I have a ks.cfg file (on a custom installer DVD) that looks like:

network --device eth0 --onboot yes --bootproto dhcp
network --device ath0 --onboot no --bootproto dhcp

For a variety of computers, some of which have a wireless PCMCIA
card and some of which don't.  Or might have, on a transient basis.

I tried to install on a computer without such a card, figuring that it
would just prep the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ath0 interface
and leave it at that.

Well, no such luck.  It failed the install and I had to reboot the
take out the line from the DVD image (burn a new DVD, etc) and

Is this a little overly brittle?  It seems to me that the absence of a
network adapter (especially one that isn't enabled at boot-time by
default!) isn't a critical/fatal issue.

What am I missing?


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