RAID option with start as failed ...

Clinton Lee Taylor clintonlee.taylor at
Sun Aug 5 19:29:02 UTC 2007

Greetings ...

 This is my first post to this list, so please bear with me, thanks.

 I use kickstart to do server install, which I'm sure quite a few other do
the same.  One thing I have not been able to find yet, is a way to do a
kickstart install with RAID started with a failed device.

 Basically, I'm trying to start a server install with one system drive,
which is half of a mirror RAID-1 install.  I do this, so that I can remove
one hard drive of the last installed system, install Fedora, backup, copy or
what ever is needed on the new install until I'm happy with it, and then put
the second device back in and re-sync the two mirror drives.

 Is there a way to do this with a kickstart script option or something?

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