how do I split Fedora-8-i386-Everything-DVD1.iso

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at
Sun Dec 23 12:23:18 UTC 2007

Floydsmith at wrote:
> I managed to pullin Re-Spin:
> Fedora-8-i386-Everything-DVD1.iso
> last night only to find that although it
> fits onto a single DVD, it expects to be
> split up into 3 images on 3 DVDs. Can
> anyone tell me on my pristeen f8 machine
> what tools I will need to download and
> how to do the "split".
> Floyd,

Hi Floyd,

This spin is not a Re-Spin, but a custom spin built off the installation 
tree, containing all packages available.

It doesn't expect to the split into 3 DVDs, but there's 3 DVDs to the 
entire spin, and you'll need all of them if you are going to do a 
complete installation or if you select packages that are on the second 
or third DVD.

You should download the other DVDs along with the one you just 
downloaded, or choose another spin from (it has single DVDs there), wait for 
the Fedora Unity Re-Spin of Fedora 8 to be released (that'll have single 
DVDs too).

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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