[Fwd: yum updates]

Timo Bergemann tbergema at eso.org
Tue Feb 20 14:37:35 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I was working earlier with kickstart and I was used to make first a 
basic installation via kickstart and then to upgrade to the latest 
packages via yum in the %POST.
unfortunately this I have seen the last time working in FC3.

when I try  to update all packages in %post I get a lot like followed:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/mnt/sysimage/usr/bin/yum", line 28, in ?
   import yummain
ImportError: No module named yummain

even if I do not believe that i should do a chroot to /mnt/sysimage,
if I try the same but before "chroot /mnt/sysimage" I come further but 
not far enough. I get a list of all packages which will get upgraded but 
then finally a crash with a lot of errors like this which I will append 
later if needed.
But the fix should be anyway NOT to chroot

Another problem is if i try to run a perl script. it also complains 
about missing libs which are not in / but already in /mnt/sysimage
But if I try to chroot to /mnt/sysimage before executing the perl script 
it works
I believe that this is the same error: unreached / unknown libs.
can anybody tell me what has been changed or even better - how to I get 
yum running during the installation again? Or/ AND  is there a way to 
install from updated repositories without creating my own updated "base" 
repo, if I give all repositories to the kickstart script:

nfs --server oscrepo.hq.eso.org --dir 
repo --name=updates 
repo --name=eso 
%packages --resolvedeps

Thank you for your help

                            (o o)
      ______   ______   _______
     / ____/  / ____/  / ___  / Timo Bergemann
    / /___   / /___   / /  / /  European Southern Observatory
   / ____/  /___  /  / /  / /   Karl-Schwarzschildstr. 2
  / /___   ___ / /  / /__/ /    D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen
 /_____/  /_____/  /______/     Germany

 fax   : +49 89 3200 6380       e-mail : tbergema at eso.org
 voice : +49 89 3200 6760       www    : http://www.eso.org

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