Mounting NFS during Kickstart as RW

John Summerfield debian at
Mon Jan 22 21:40:24 UTC 2007

Jeff Yana wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the responses thus far....but please, can we get back to the original topic: "Mounting NFS during Kickstart as RW" under Fedora Core 6? Note that I DO NOT alone want to send standard out/error to /root on the local system (FWIW, I would like to do both). If that were the case, I would not have made the post in the first place. 

Perhaps you could answer my original Q? Mounting NFS is a possible 
solution to your problem, but surely it's not the only one.

With better knowledge, maybe we can provide a better, working solution?

> Has anyone on this list ever gotten this to work?
In %post, yes.



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