Using variables in kickstart file

Gabrie thegabeman at
Wed Jul 18 21:43:25 UTC 2007

On 7/18/07, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan at> wrote:
> %pre and %post are essentially bash shell scripts, independent of the
> other lines
> Here's a clever snippet (also originated from Chip) that illustrates how
> to build part of your kickstart, on the fly, using %pre and %include...
> # lots of stuff here...
> # ...
> # ....
> %include /tmp/partinfo
> %pre
> # Determine how many drives we have
> set \$(list-harddrives)
> let numd=\$#/2
> d1=\$1
> d2=\$3
> cat << EOF >> /tmp/partinfo
> part / --fstype ext3 --size=1024 --grow --ondisk=\$d1 --asprimary
> part swap --size=1024 --ondisk=\$d1 --asprimary
> #EOF
> In the above example, the pre script runs first, and generates a file in
> /tmp.  That file is then inserted into the kickstart, containing
> instructions for drive setup.
> The same thing can be done in your case.

Sorry, I see what you want to explain, but I don't get the syntax.....
because I don't understand when it is written and when read.

Don't get how the files work together....


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