RHEL5 kickstart needs to mount cdrom in postinst

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Mon May 7 21:06:33 UTC 2007

Martin Steinmann wrote:
> On RHEL4 and FC5 we have the following code in the post install section of the ks.cfg file. It mounts the CD the system just installed from and copies the CD's content to a recovery partition on HD. In order to be able to mount the cdrom, we had to run start_udev.
> On RHEL5 this no longer seems to work. The ks.cfg post install section executes, but the /recovery/linux directory remains empty. It looks like as if it was not able to mount the cdrom.
> Does anyone have an idea what could cause this different behavior?
> #...Make copy of installation CD to the "/recovery" partition
> /sbin/start_udev
> mkdir /recovery/linux
> mkdir /tempdir
> mount /dev/cdrom /tempdir
> cp -a /tempdir/* /recovery/linux
> cp -a /tempdir/.discinfo /recovery/linux
> umount /tempdir
> rm -rf /tempdir

Seems to me there's enough people around who want the CD to be available 
to %post scripts that Anaconda should be keeping the CD mounted a little 

I have several systems here, laptops and compact desktops, that cannot 
pull a CD in; once it's ejected I need to push the tray or CD back in.

I think it's worth a bug report; perhaps you can allege a design fault.



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