pxe menu

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at datacash.com
Mon Apr 28 10:50:28 UTC 2008

I received a lot of good replies on my question but also realized that I
was putting constraints on myself were none were needed. If you are
willing to do a bit more admin then there is no reason why menu items
could not be split horizonataly across the screen rather than limiting
yourself to 20someting single entry items.

1. Option1		2. Option2		3.Option3
4. Option4		5. Option5		6.Option6

rather than
1. Option1
2. Option2
3. Option3


From: kickstart-list-bounces at redhat.com
[mailto:kickstart-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Gerrard
Sent: 08 April 2008 10:10
To: Discussion list about Kickstart
Subject: pxe menu

I have been looking through the documentation to see if you can have sub
menus in the pxe boot menu but could not find anything that talks
specifically about it. I could probably adapt the function key menus but
would prefer to use the normal menus. Does anyone have an example I
could use or point me to the right documentation please.


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