Timezone specification

Don Buchholz buchholz at easystreet.net
Wed Dec 3 22:19:56 UTC 2008

Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> I found that with F-10, I can no longer use
>   timezone --utc US/Central
> to specify my timezone.  For some reason this is no longer valid, even
> though it has been a valid timezone for Unix systems since as far as I
> can remember.
> The installer drops me into the timezone chooser, and unfortunately
> that makes it rather difficult to choose a city in US/Central, because
> it either suggests Monterrey (which has different DST rules) or forces
> me to somehow know the myriad DST rules for all of the little cities
> in Indiana which are represented on the map in preference to cities
> like Houston or Dallas.  My complaints about that have always been
> closed NOTABUG, though, so I guess there's no point in complaining
> here, except that I honestly do not know how to specify the proper
> timezone for my location any longer.  Does anyone happen to know?
>  - J<

   ... on my RHEL-4 system, America/Chicago and US/Central are
       identical (using cmp(1)).

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