Upgrading kernel used in PXE boot

Cris Rhea crhea at mayo.edu
Fri Feb 8 20:11:30 UTC 2008

> From: Michael DeHaan <mdehaan at redhat.com>
> Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 14:10:21 -0500
> Subject: Re: Upgrading kernel used in PXE boot
> Don't confuse stable with "updates frequently".
> "Updates frequently" is how we get work done -- which all of that work 
> obviously rolls into long-term-supported distros like EL4/5.

What I was suggesting was that "updates frequently" (whatever term you 
would like) isn't what's needed in most cases for *servers*.   

For a *server*, I don't want to apply updates every few days-- sometimes 
needing a reboot. 

I'm not bashing Fedora (nor trying to pick a fight with folks who
have "redhat.com" on the right side of their email address)-- but I do 
believe it is correct to say that Fedora is a very fast-paced environment 
with relatively short-lived releases.

If you only wish to reload the OS on your servers every couple years, then
(IMHO) Fedora is a poor choice-- RHEL/CentOS would be a much better 
choice because of the "long-term-supported distro[s]".

--- Cris

 Cristopher J. Rhea                     
 Mayo Clinic - Research Computing Facility
 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905
 crhea at Mayo.EDU
 (507) 284-0587

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