adding drivers to initrd.img renders image unmountable

Rodrick Brown rbrown at
Wed Feb 27 21:35:49 UTC 2008

I have a batch of systems that need and updated e1000 driver before the
network device can been seen by the default RHEL5 images provided. 

I was able to get the files I needed and now I'm trying to add the
initrd but when trying to do this the system pulls down the new image
but is unable to read it correctly 


I get the following errors: 

Attempt to access beyond the end of device

No file system could mount root, unable to mount rootfs on unknown


This seems pretty trivial yet its giving me a major headache if anyone
could help out I would appreciate it. 


Here are the steps I used to add the new modules to initrd, the modules
I added overwrite the previous ones.

ahci.ko, e1000.ko 


# mkdir /tmp/newinitrd

# cd /tmp/newinitrd 

# gzip -d < /home/rbrown/RHEL5_64/images/pxeboot/initrd.img | cpio -i

# cd /tmp/newinitrd/modules

# gzip -d < modules.cgz | cpio -i --make-directories

# cd 2.6.18-8.el5/x86_64

# cp /home/rbrown/dell/*.ko .

# find 2.6.18-8.el5 | cpio -o -H crc | gzip -9 > modules.cgz

# rm -rf 2.6.18-8.el5

# cd /tmp/newinitrd

# find . | cpio -o -H crc | gzip -9 > /tmp/initrd.img



Rodrick R. Brown 


120 Wall St. Suite 2400 

C: 347 702 0012 | O: 646 307 4709 


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