No selinux whatsoever

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Fri Jan 18 16:19:24 UTC 2008

Gary Thomas wrote:
> I'm trying to use anaconda+kickstart to load up a deeply
> embedded platform.  This device will never need nor use
> selinux, so I want to figure out how to keep it from
> ever being installed, whatsoever.
> How do I make this happen in the kickstart file?
> Note: this is such a resource limited platform that simply
> installing the "selinux-policy-targetted" RPM takes around
> 5 hours!  Hence my desire to never even try.

Just add "selinux disabled" in your kickstart and it will not be enabled 
and will not be doing anything.

There isn't a lot of overhead in terms of extra storage to worry about 

The policy shouldn't be being applied if don't turn selinux on (either 
in enforcing mode or permissive). 
I could be wrong about this however, have you tried disabling SELinux in 
your kickstart for starters?


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