Need help to install packages from external repository during CentOS install

Craig Huff huffcslists at
Fri Jan 25 15:22:34 UTC 2008

About a week ago it was suggested that I use a kickstart file to
install packages from an external repository (ATrpms) during CentOS
5.1 installs, so I have been giving it a go, unsuccessfully.  I
finally got enough information from the failures to figure out the
problem, but I don't know what the solution is.  It appears that
despite having this:

network --device=eth0 --bootproto=dhcp

in the command section, the network is not working during %post
execution and probably not during the system installation phase,
either.  I have tried installing nvidia-graphics169.07 (and the
related pieces) in several ways, none of which worked.

The first approach was to add this:

repo --name=atrpms

in the command section and this:


in the %packages section, but this failed.  Note that the IP was used
after several attempts to use failed and I then
discovered in the Installation Manual that, since I was using DHCP,
name resolution was not working during the installation (or %post
phase, for that matter).

The second approach was to keep the repo --name... statement in the
command section and use this for a (simplified) %post script:

( #Note: using subshell for logging, but it never works.
yum -y --disablerepo=extras install nvidia-graphics169.07
) 1>/root/Anaconda_post.log 2>&1

Finally, I dropped the repo --name... statement from the command
section and tried copying from the kickstart medium an atrpms.repo
file into /etc/yum.repos.d that looked like this:

name=ATrpms for RHEL and CentOS $releasever - $basearch

however, even this failed.  Then, using the screen accessed with (I
think) ctrl-alt-F2 which offered a shell, I tried it manually and
discovered that the networking wasn't configured and (once I su'd to
root), ifconfig -a reported the devices had no IP addresses.

So, what do I do differently to get a kickstart file that will
successfully install RPMs from ATrpms?

I *could* install with a static IP, which may fix this problem, but my
understanding is that the installed system would *also* be configured
with the static IP, which is not what I want.

Any help appreciated.


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