cmdline ignored

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at
Wed Jul 9 23:18:06 UTC 2008

2008/7/10 Klaus Steden <klaus.steden at>:
> The usual advice is to stuff a 'sleep 9999999' in there somewhere and check
> things out on tty2, the virtual console that gets enabled after Kickstart
> begins.

Thanks for the advice, but:

1. I don't know how to switch to a different vc in a Xen guest
consolse ("xm con ..."). I tried looking around the xen forums for an
answer (because the Anaconda docs mention something about each vc
having all sorts of output sent to it) but as far as I can tell even
"chvt" doesn't work.

2. This "sleep 99999999" (or actually my favourite for indefinite
pause(2) is "perl -e sleep") isn't something I can put permanently as
part of the automatic unattended setup but only during debug/dev. I'd
much prefer something that I can use all the time and keep the install
unattended and if something goes wrong in a non-dev situation then I
can see the output.



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