Detecting xen

John Summerfield debian at
Thu Jun 5 01:25:52 UTC 2008

Ed Brown wrote:
>>>> Well, anaconda doesn't run with the xen host kernel, so ... :)
>>> How does anaconda make the determination that it is running in a domU?
>> Existence of /proc/xen/capabilities as Joel said
> So the OP's question is answered, and also how to use the content, or 
> lack thereof, of the capabilities file to make a determination outside 
> of anaconda.
> It's just curiosity at this point, but I'm looking for a chicken or an 
> egg somewhere, in the loader maybe?  /proc/xen/capabilities doesn't 
> exist till the xen kernel is loaded.  Where is the magic that knows to 
> load a xen kernel during a domU install?

I don't use xen kernels on some of my guests, even when I have a 
functional xen host.

It depends on the CPU.



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