Resend: Anaconda modifying network files

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Wed Mar 5 19:46:12 UTC 2008

Bryan Kearney wrote:
> I am using cobbler/koan to generate xen disk images. After a 
> successful install, if I mount the image I see infomation in various 
> networking files which denote the information about the network I 
> built the image on. Specifically:
> /etc/hosts has the ip address and dhcp fqdn of the image when anaconda 
> was running.
> /etc/sysconfig/network has the fgdn of the image when anaconda was 
> running.
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 has the MAC address given 
> out by xen.
> Is there a way to configure anaconda to not mutate these files?
> Thanks!
> -- bk
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Re:  disk-image reuse

As far as I'm aware the "appliancey" way to reuse disk images is to 
login in and fix all this once you fire the machines up.   This is 
something you could possibly
make firstboot do.

The approach we took with Virt-Factory is to not use disk images, but 
start the install fresh every time, and use config management to push
changes down. 

In order to make sure all the MACs are unique if you regenerate them, 
you're going to need some sort of central management chokepoint though...


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