Best practices for partitioning hdds?

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Fri Mar 7 21:33:55 UTC 2008

Pablo Iranzo Gómez wrote:
> 	Hi
> 	I'm trying to setup a ks profile which must work for both new and
> "used" hard drives.
> 	The idea is to have one layout that could be deployed on
> "non-compliant" disks, and to keep the one existing on "compliant" ones.
> 	My way to workarround this could be:
> 	Examine sfdisk -l /dev/firstharddrive
> 	If part order and types are "compliant", then keep them, and write
> a /tmp/partinfo with "--onpart".
> 	This second option could arise problems I've encountered (not
> tested on RHEL/CentOS 5.1) regarding having an already defined VG with
> LV's I don't want anymore as I'm reinstalling. (Which I could bypass
> zeroing the LVM partition)
> 	If not, write a new layout to /tmp/partinfo and include it.
> 	Have you dealt with this in the past? something you could provide
> about what to do and what to avoid?
> 	Regards
> 	Pablo

Can you clarify what "complaint" and "non-compliant" mean?  

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