Resend: Anaconda modifying network files

Bryan Kearney bkearney at
Wed Mar 5 20:36:38 UTC 2008

Michael DeHaan wrote:
> As far as I'm aware the "appliancey" way to reuse disk images is to 
> login in and fix all this once you fire the machines up.   This is 
> something you could possibly
> make firstboot do.

So.. each boot would need to do this, since in theory the mac address 
could change between launches.

> The approach we took with Virt-Factory is to not use disk images, but 
> start the install fresh every time, and use config management to push
> changes down.

In a controlled environment, or once koan takes over the world, I would 
agree. However... this will not work in all cases (e.g. demo 
applliances, or operating systems with no public tree)

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