Resend: Anaconda modifying network files

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Wed Mar 5 22:33:40 UTC 2008

> Agree.. outside of the pervue of kickstart. I was hoping I could do 
> this via kickstart. I will hack it on my own. Maybe "koan 
> --no-network-data"....
> -- bk
That could be dealt with with removal of those files in post, plus some 
extra glue on top of koan.   Probably doesn't belong in koan itself as 
I'm trying to limit the number of options included there to keep the 
emphasis on central management.

Plus, it's basically meant for a datacenter net-install tool anyway.   
You deploy with that and use other tools for migrations.  A build system 
it's not... that's sort of why there was some talk about making Anaconda 
be able to be run stand-alone and spit out VM images directly.   No 
details on the status of that...


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