Using autopart under RHEL 5.1 kickstart - resizing default /boot size

Kent Baxley kb4xley at
Thu May 15 16:45:58 UTC 2008

I am using autopart to automate the creation of partitions and logical
volumes during a kickstart install (RHEL5.1).  The default size of the /boot
partitions created by autopart is 100 meg.  I am looking for a way to
increase this default size of /boot when autopart created the partition.  Is
there a way to do this?

I have played with part but have not found an easy method to change the
default in autopart without having to write a lot of code around the whole
proces and create the LV volumes myself.  I've got a lot of different
hardware environments, so, I'd like autopart to do some of the work for me.

Here is the code currently being used to automate the creating the
partitions and Logical Volumes.  NOTE:  The ${IGNORE_DRIVES} variable can
change from machine to machine and is set by my own code but can be removed
without affecting default autopart partition sizes.

ignoredisk –drives=${IGNORE_DRIVES}

This code creates default partitions and logical volumes as advertised by
the RHEL 5 kickstart document.  The manuals claim that part can be used to
change the default partition sizes that autopart creates.  So far, I have
not been able to change the /boot partition from 100 mb.

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