Remedial Question: How do I import additional GPG keys (but not later in post)?

Bryan J Smith bjs at
Wed Nov 5 03:25:14 UTC 2008

I have a seemingly remedial question ...

How do I import additional GPG keys in a kickstart file so they are
available during the initial package install?  I want to do this largely
in combination with the "repo" option (to tap other YUM repositories).

Just curious and I know this is probably remedial.  But I haven't found
it in any Fedora docs (nor the RHEL 5 manuals for that matter, as it
supports the "repo" option as well) or via basic searches.  I guess I
could have overlooked something.


Bryan J Smith - Senior Consultant - Red Hat GPS SE US
mailto:bjs at      +1 (407) 489-7013 (Mobile) 
mailto:b.j.smith at  (non-RH/ext to Blackberry) 
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