Issue With Packages Section

Kyle Powell kpowell at
Wed Nov 12 22:18:31 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

William J. Dennison wrote:
> When Kickstart installs the jdk, tomcat, and VMWare packaged they are pulled 
> to the server and then installed in the right areas, however the /etc/init.d 
> parameters are not installed correctly (as if kickstart did not utilize the 
> configuration parameters in the rpms). 

What exactly do you mean by this? Are the init scripts not being placed in
/etc/rc.d/init.d or are the symlinks not being created in the appropriate
/etc/rc?.d directory? "Parameters" are not "installed", especially in the
/etc/init.d directory.

> I looked at the Anaconda log file and it seems that the rpms are not installed 
> in the correct order, could this be the problem?

There's no way that I'm aware of to control the order in which Anaconda installs
packages. They're all installed with --nodeps (and --replacefiles, and a few
others, or maybe even just --force) to eliminate any failures due to packages
being installed out of order. If you have packages that *must* be installed in a
certain order, then your best bet is to install them via yum in a %post script.

> jdk
> tomcat
> VMware-server

I can't find these packages for RHEL 5.2. I see "jdkgcj" and "tomcat5"
available, but nothing for VMware-server. Looks like these aren't actual RHEL 5
packages. Depending on your answer to my question above, we may need to look at
the postinstall scripts for them to determine why things are working correctly
during installation.
- --
Kyle Powell | Red Hat | Senior Consultant, RHCE
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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