Adding Custom packages to RHEL Kickstart process

Sudhir Khurana (sukhuran) sukhuran at
Tue Nov 11 05:02:15 UTC 2008

Hi ,

 I am looking for some help in adding custom packages to kickstart
process for RHEL 5.1.

 Can some point me to relevant information / or has done similar task
before who can be of help in solving the following issues 

1. Adding custom RPM's to %package, I am trying to add custom rpm
packages in the Kickstart process and has specified the same in ks.cfg
file, but still it doesn't get installed. Also I am unable to locate
comps.xml file to add the package information for Red Hat Server
Installation process to register the rpm. Not aware of the process, can
some one please help in this.

2. Where can I see logs / output of %pre and %post scripts, we are using
python as interpreter.

Thanks in advance,


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