RHEL 3 kickstart network retrieval issue

Terry McIntyre terry.mcintyre at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 21:48:42 UTC 2008

I had a similar issue; the solution which worked for me was to specify
the ip address, gateway, and netmask:

append initrd=/images/centos-5.2-i386/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0
lang=en_US netmask= ip=  text kssendmac
gateway=  ks=http://<whatever>

The key bits are "ksdevice=eth0 netmask= ip=
gateway= "

This will probably be needed if your environment uses something other
than for a netmask.

Terry McIntyre
UNIX for hire
Software Development, Systems Administration, Security
terry.mcintyre at gmail.com

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