Suggestions for a better kickstart infrastructure

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Mon Oct 20 15:09:04 UTC 2008

saagar shrivastava wrote:
> Guys,
> My company wanted me to configure a server which can handle remote OS 
> installation. For all the OS's we use.
> I've configured PXE on RHEL 5. And I'm able to Install all the Unix 
> based OS's. OS we're using are:
> RHEL 5
> Fedora
> Suse
> Windows XP
> Windows Server 2003
> But I'm stucked with MicroSoft OS's. Can anybody help me please?

This isn't the list for that, unfortunately.   That should be obvious 
from the "" at the end of it :)

One solution is to look at virtualizing all of your Windows 
installations on top of Linux, using Cobbler with "cobbler image add" 
and koan to deploy Windows ISOs prepared with SysPrep on top of Linux 
KVM hosts.


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