Device naming for hd:<dev>:<path> when installing off a USB HD

Charles Duffy cduffy at
Tue Sep 9 08:24:18 UTC 2008

Howdy, all.

I'm trying to install CentOS 5 off an external USB device. The conflict 
here is that the system I'm installing on has other USB storage devices 
built-in, and the boot order between them is inconsistent.

This means that even if I scan the current list of device names and 
labels and then kexec into the installer after observing how my initial 
kernel names them, I have only a 50/50 chance of the device names used 
for ks=hd:<dev>:/ks.cfg and method=hd:<dev>:/ being valid.

What's the Right Way to resolve this issue?

Would it work to copy ks.cfg onto the local hard drive (which *isn't* 
changing names between boots), have a %pre that generates an appropriate 
harddrive stanza, and %include that?

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