adding commands to installer image

Bryan J Smith bjs at
Thu Aug 6 04:02:35 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 20:37 -0700, Larry Brigman wrote:
> OK.  I don't run the RTC on localtime.  The vendor/manufacture ships the
> system configured with the RTC set to some localtime (manufacture site).
> ...
> Understood.  The first time the box get a connection to a NTP server,
> the RTC gets set to UTC.

Which is a perfectly valid workflow.  As long as you install the system
with the option that the RTC set to UTC, it will correct the issue.

Unfortunately, you will still get future timestamps in the case of the
western hemisphere, until the appropriate number of hours of the offset
have passed.

> I'm just trying to find a way to get the RTC close to UTC (within
> about a minute) without manual intervention during the kickstart prior
> to package installation if I have a vaild/active network
> configuration.

If you have HTTP, there's always the option to download a custom script
and any necessary binaries into the environment, even in %pre IIRC.
That's one way to address it.

I'm surprised we're not including such stuff in busybox-anaconda?

Bryan J Smith       Senior Consultant       Red Hat, Inc.
Professional Consulting
mailto:bjs at          +1 (407) 489-7013 (Mobile) 
mailto:b.j.smith at (Blackberry / Red Hat External) 
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