RHEL5 - copy files from DVD during %post

John Oliver joliver at john-oliver.net
Fri Feb 6 18:23:45 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 01:49:13PM -0500, Bryan Schneiders wrote:
> I worked around this in the past by modifying usr/lib/anaconda/kickstart.py 
> in the stage2.img and adding dispatch.skipStep("methodcomplete") to the 
> list in the setSteps function.

Where, exactly, would that line go?

Every suggestion I've had for this problem results in a stage2.img that
does not work.

I can go through the motions of creating a new stage2.img, and so long
as I do not change anything, it will work, so I know I'm not screwing
that up.  But if I change any files, I get stuck with the message:

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server CD was not found in any of your
CDROM drives. Please insert the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server CD and
press OK to retry.

That tells me that either there's some very particular way in which the
contents of the img need to be modified, or that every suggestion I've
found so far has been a guess as to "what might work".  So, a very
precise description of what *does* work would be greatly appreciated.

* John Oliver                             http://www.john-oliver.net/ *
*                                                                     *

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