RHEL5 - copy files from DVD during %post

John Oliver joliver at john-oliver.net
Thu Jan 15 22:56:59 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 06:42:39PM -0500, Bryan Schneiders wrote:
> Where did you put dispatch.skipStep("methodcomplete")?
> Mine was just after dispatch.skipStep("network"), or more importantly: not 
> inside any of the "if" blocks in that function.

That was the *only* change you made to the stock stage2.img?

> You could also try commenting out the anaconda.method.ejectCD() line in the 
> doMethodComplete function at the bottom of 
> usr/lib/ananconda/installmethod.py.

I'll try that, but I don't understand why there isn't one "This is how
you do it".  If someone has made this work, that's what I'm hoping can
be posted, so not only I, but the next poor sap who runs into this
problem and finds this thread can get a working solution.

* John Oliver                             http://www.john-oliver.net/ *
*                                                                     *

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