disabling a driver during kickstart

Larry Brigman larry.brigman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 23:14:03 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Jonathan Horne<loudredz71 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Can someone tell me how to get kickstart for RHEL5x/CentOS5x to ignore multipath/SAN during system install?  the other day multipath kicked in automatically during an install and i overwrote data on a LUN and the next thing i know all my LVMs now live out on the SAN.  The only way i know of to get around this is to either pull the fiber before the install or get in the switch fabric and de-zone the port.
> it just seems logical that there would be a way to not destroy your LUNs during a scripted kickstart install.  Can anyone shed light on this for me, or point me in the right direction?

We have something similar where we re-install a system but want to
keep the contents of
a configured software array.  We use the %pre script to write out the
partitioning file that is

Our scripts have a lot of other details in them but here are the basic
lines that should get you
all_dev_names=$(cd /sys/block; echo sd* )
cat <<EOF >$outfile
clearpart --drives=${install_dev} --all --initlabel
ignoredisk --drives=$(echo "${all_dev_names/$install_dev/}" | tr ' ' ,)

part /boot --fstype="ext2" ${install_dev:+--ondisk=$install_dev}
part pv.01 --size=0 --grow ${install_dev:+--ondisk=$install_dev}
volgroup VG00 pv.01
logvol / --vgname=VG00 --size=$root_size --name=root1 --fstype=ext3 --grow
logvol /alt --vgname=VG00 --size=$root_size --name=root2 --fstype=ext3 --grow
logvol /logging --vgname=VG00 --size=$log_size --name=log --fstype=ext3 --grow

bootloader --append="crashkernel=128M at 16M" --location=mbr


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