Kickstart Partitioning Errors

Corey Garst cgarst at
Thu May 7 13:36:29 UTC 2009

I've set up a fairly default install of Spacewalk 0.5 and set up a
channel for CentOS 5.2. I've set up a CentOS 5.2 distro for kickstart
and I'm not off to a great start. Perhaps this is just something simple
that I've missed that someone could chime in on.

When I PXE boot with an IDE VM in VMware Workstation, I get the error:
	"An error occurred trying to format myvg/rootvol.  This problem
is serious, and the install cannot continue."

When I PXE boot with a SCSI VM in VMware Workstation, I get the error:
	"Could not allocate requested partitions: Partitioning failed:
Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions. Not enough space
left to create partition for /boot."

Here is the partitioning details from Spacewalk > Systems > Kickstart >
Profiles > CentOS-5-2. I'm not sure where this is stored in file.

	partition /boot --fstype=ext3 --size=200
	partition swap --size=1000   --maxsize=2000
	partition pv.01 --size=1000 --grow

	volgroup myvg pv.01

	logvol / --vgname=myvg --name=rootvol --size=1000 --grow

-Corey Garst

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