where is the "BaseHandler.__init__" exec ?

Jian Lee lijian.gnu at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 10:43:29 UTC 2010


I'm research pykickstart now, have a puzzle on  pykickstart/version.py .

where is the "BaseHandler.__init__" exec ?

look at the following code, after func "returnClassForVersion" have executed,
the "commands" attr of "handler" have fixed by "command-object" mapping  already.

but from  the line 173  to 177, there is just a imputil.imp.load_module func , 
and the module itself haven't execute a "BaseHandler.__init__" func. 

how the "handler" get a fixed attr "commands" ?


159 def returnClassForVersion(version=DEVEL):
160     """Return the class of the syntax handler for version.  version can be
161        either a string or the matching constant.  Raises KickstartValueError
162        if version does not match anything.
163     """
164     try:
165         version = int(version)
166         module = "%s" % versionToString(version, skipDevel=True)
167     except ValueError:
168         module = "%s" % version
169         version = stringToVersion(version)
171     module = module.lower()
173     try:
174         import pykickstart.handlers
175         sys.path.extend(pykickstart.handlers.__path__)
176         found = imputil.imp.find_module(module)
177         loaded = imputil.imp.load_module(module, found[0], found[1], found[2])
179         for (k, v) in loaded.__dict__.iteritems():
180             if k.lower().endswith("%shandler" % module):
181                 return v
182     except:
183         raise KickstartVersionError(_("Unsupported version specified: %s") % version)


Jian Lee  [ http://jianlee.ylinux.org ]

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